Monday, April 2, 2007

Questions & Answers

The following are examples of recent questions I have been asked about Edgerton: (these were reflected in the last two newsletters)

Q. Will there be a “grand opening” for the new school?
A. Yes! We have set a date for October 2nd, 2007 as the official “dedication ceremony” and the Lead Team is working on other opening events to happen earlier in the year.

Q. When we will know about all the teachers at Edgerton?
A. Check out the link related to "staff members" for our latest update.

Q. Will we get to choose our teachers for next year?
A. No. Parents can give input on their child’s learning styles and needs, but not directly request a teacher. You can find a “Parent Input” form at Pope and we will consider that input when creating classes. Schools work hard to balance classes, and it is our plan to send home postcards in August that will share which teacher your child has.

Q. Will there be buses and when will we know about routes?
A. Yes, Edgerton will have about 6 buses (today’s estimate). While routes have not been determined at this point (something we are currently working on), you can expect similar service as in past years. If you have input on this topic, please send me an email. The transportation supervisor will be at the next PTA meeting to answer related questions.

Q. A question was asked about home daycares in the Edgerton area.
A. A wonderful question that I do not currently have answers for. I will commit to research this and share a list of daycares as soon as possible.
Will there be an Open House or Back-To-School Night?
You bet! We are still trying to determine whether it will happen before the start of the year (we start on Sept. 5th) or afterwards, as well as what the actual format may look like. This demonstrates one of the exciting things about the Edgerton staff — they are coming from all around the district and will bring fresh and varying ideas. This plan will be shared out before the end of this year.

Q. Are there other important dates to know right now?
A. Check out the "Important Dates" link.

Q. What is the plan for parking and drop-off/pick-up?
A. Currently we have 128 parking stalls. To get a feel for that, Pope has 68 actual stalls. We currently have only one entry for cars and buses, but as they enter the grounds, they go in different directions—buses to the right to the bus loop, cars to the left to drop off in front of the school. The district is working with the county to see if we can have a second entry off of the back of the school campus to help alleviate the issues of a one-entry site, but all I know at this point is that it is “in the works” and there is no guarantee it will happen.

Q. How far is considered walking distance?
A. The state guideline allows walking for elementary students up to one mile, meaning that it does not require districts to provide transportation for families who live within one mile of the school. However, our district tends to do better than state expectations, often getting that bus pick-up location much closer. This all depends on the locations and circumstances, and again, bus routes are not yet finalized.

Q. Can you tell us more about yourself?
A. Glad to do so! :-) I was born and raised in Tacoma. I went to PLU for my undergraduate work and then received a Masters degree from City University. I received my administrative credentials from Central Washington University. I have been in the district for 17 years, teaching grades three through nine, and I have now been a principal for 7 years. Some of my past areas of service include being the 6th grade camp coordinator for the district, being the K-12 social studies coordinator for the district, and being an administrative assistant at the junior high level. I have been on staff at Wildwood Elementary, Firgrove Elementary, Waller Road Elementary, The Shanghai (China) American School, and Kalles Junior High school. My wife is a teacher at Woodland Elementary, and we have two children who attend school there, our son in 6th grade and our daughter in 4th grade.

Q. What do you feel strongly about?
A. Running the risk of sounding corny, I truly believe that education is a calling for me. I have a deep conviction of making a positive difference in the lives of young people. Being an educator is more of a lifestyle than a takes full commitment. I believe that parents are the first and most important teachers, and I believe that, after good health, there is nothing more important in life than a good education. To make this happen, we need strong teachers and committed families who are willing to build a true partnership. The key to this, as it is key to most things in life, is communication. I look forward to building those relationships with you!

Q. Is Edgerton a “closed” school, or can others “choice” in?
A. Yes, Edgerton is officially “closed” which means that students can not use a district choice form to come to the school if they are not living in the school’s attendance boundaries.

Q. Will I have the opportunity to purchase a brick with my child’s or family’s name on it?
A. Yes, we just have not finalized the details yet. More to come on this topic.

Q. What are the unique features of the building?
A. Edgerton is being built for collaboration between students and staff. Each pair of classrooms has two doors on the adjoining wall, making for easy movement between the classrooms. Each pair of rooms also has a shared “project room” to be used for a multitude of purposes. All grade levels will be in classroom quads, located next to, and across the hall from, one another. The school is also being built for technology integration. Rolling laptop labs are available to each classroom wing, the campus will be wireless, we have a closed-circuit television “studio” where students will create and share live broadcasts, and every room is equipped with an interactive Smartboard, a mounted projector and a sound field. Other unique features include a cafeteria, common spaces built for 750 students, security cameras and an entry that forces all guests through the office.

Q. How can I give input or learn more about the school?
A. There are several ways. Continue to look for these monthly newsletters, check out our blog at, come to our information nights mentioned on page 2, join PTA (page 4), or just zip me an email directly at If you did not receive our first newsletter, all of our communication efforts are in hardcopy format in the Pope office. Stop by to see what you may have missed. I look forward to connecting with you.

Q. Will there be playground equipment already at the school?
A. Yes! Traditionally, a school’s PTA is left to purchase the playground equipment and reader board. I am pleased to say that Superintendent Apostle made it very clear that this burden should not be on the PTA, but rather part of the construction package. We will have an electronic reader board and our playground equipment will be in place before the students arrive. The Lead Team spent a lot of time researching and selecting the equipment and I hope you are pleased with the selection. It is very different looking, but focuses on coordination, strength building, and teamwork. The equipment can be approached from 360 degrees and we had pre-K through 6th graders in mind when selecting.

Q. What is the school’s plan for Accelerated Reader?
A. Edgerton has a very specific school-wide plan for how we will use AR in our classrooms and school. I will place that information on our blog for now and we will share it more in future opportunities. Know that various schools approach AR in various ways. Our approach will be in-line with the district’s expectations of the use of this tool, but it should not look too different than what you have seen.

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